2021 AHCA/NCAL Quality Award Applications Available: Submit Your Intent to Apply
The 2021 AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award Program year has started and applications are available on the Quality Award website. We hope you will consider applying for this prestigious award and submit your Intent to Apply today!
If your organization has thought about participating in the Quality Awards program, VHCA-VCAL is hosting a two-part workshop on November 17-18 to help you complete the Bronze Award application from beginning to end with coaching support along the way from our expert facilitators.
Participating in the Quality Award Program has many benefits, including:
- A proven framework that organizations can use to make improvements in any clinical, quality or other operational issue (i.e. staff engagement, customer satisfaction, hospital readmissions).
- It prepares organizations to meet regulatory requirements and navigate a changing market.
- It serves as a team building activity to engage staff across all levels of the organization.
- Organizations gain recognition, serving as a marketing resource for consumers, referral partners and hospitals.
- Participants receive customized feedback with their top strengths and improvement areas.
2021 Deadlines
- Intent to Apply (ITA) Deadline – November 12, 2020
- Application Deadline – January 28, 2021
If you’re interested in other ways to get involved, consider becoming an Examiner for the 2021 program year. Examiners play a significant role in reviewing Quality Award applications and impacting quality improvement in organizations across the country.
It’s never too early to start preparing. For additional information, visit the Quality Award website at ahcancal.org/qualityaward or email qualityaward@ahca.org.