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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

DSS Announced October 17 Effective Date for New Regulations

DSS Announced October 17 Effective Date for New Regulations

DSS announced that the changes to the Standards for Licensed Assisted Living Facilities have been revised, effective October 17, 2019, to correspond with changes made to the Code of Virginia by the 2019 session of the General Assembly. The changes include staffing during overnight hours in special care units, disclosure of generators, generator testing, and requirements related to death, resignation, or discharge of an administrator, and the frequency with which acting administrators can be used. The agency also issued revisions to the General Procedures and Information for Licensure.

In a memo to licensed assisted living facilities, DSS explained these regulations “were exempt from the full Administrative Process Act because their purpose was strictly to conform to changes in state law and no agency discretion was involved.”

The updated regulation and replacement pages can be found under the Regulations and Code References tab at and can be ordered using the DSS Publication Order Form. ALFs are advised to replace the old pages with the new and discard prior versions.

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