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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

New Requirement for Handling Unexpended Patient Funds Aligns with CMS Rules

New Requirement for Handling Unexpended Patient Funds Aligns with CMS Rules

House Bill (HB) 343 would require that the Board of Health include in its regulations a requirement for nursing centers to provide a full refund of unexpended patient funds on deposit with the facility following the discharge or death of a patient within 30 day of a written request for the funds by the patient or the decedent’s estate administrator. The bill was unanimously endorsed by the Health, Welfare and Institutions Committee’s subcommittee #2 on January 21. It will be considered by the full committee next week.

Feedback from VHCA-VCAL members indicated that under Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) requirements, unexpended funds are released within 30 days.

Del. Brenda Pogge (R-James City) introduced HB 343 to help address a situation faced by a constituent when it took a family nine months to recover pre-paid funds for nursing facility care after their family member passed away.