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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

CCC Plus: March 16 Deadline for Submitting AR Information to MCOs

CCC Plus: March 16 Deadline for Submitting AR Information to MCOs

Friday, March 16 is the deadline for nursing centers to submit their outstanding receivables to the managed care organizations (MCOs) participating in CCC Plus to have custodial and specialized care claims resolved by March 31.  Read more for instructions on how to submit accounts receivable information, including updated contact information for Optima.

Also, please provide a summary of the AR amount by company/facility (NO PHI) to Steve Ford so VHCA can continue to track progress on claims resolution. 

As we informed you on March 9, 2018, DMAS has required the CCC Plus MCOs to clean-up all custodial Medicaid and Specialized Care claims greater than 14 days old by March 31. To accomplish this, DMAS has requested that all nursing centers submit information on their outstanding receivables using this Excel spreadsheet by facility by MCO by this Friday, March 16. (Note: the spreadsheet includes a tab for custodial Medicaid and a tab for specialized care for those few centers that provide that type of care.)

Please share this information with your billing/AR staff.

How to Submit Outstanding Receivables

Providers should prepare a spreadsheet for each MCO and submit that information directly to that plan via encrypted email. We did receive clarification that if you represent multiple facilities, you may include the multiple facilities on one sheet per MCO sorted by the NPI of each facility.

DMAS, in speaking with the plans, has determined that each company/facility may use its own email encryption tool. If you do not have access to encryption, you may send a non-encrypted email to the MCO (do not attach the spreadsheet or any PHI) requesting access to the MCO’s encryption tool, which they will then provide.

Contact Information for Encrypted Emails

The following are the email contacts to whom you should send the encrypted emails with the spreadsheet attached. If more than one email address is listed for an MCO, please copy all of that MCO’s contacts on the email.






VA Premier

These are also the contacts to whom you can send an unencrypted email requesting access to the MCO’s encryption tool

Reminder about March 16 Deadline

As we have previously announced, the March 31 deadline only applies for receivables communicated to the MCOs in this manner by Friday, March 16. Please take this opportunity to get in the queue for this clean-up project. 

Follow Up Request

Because you are submitting your data directly to the MCOs, neither VHCA nor DMAS will know who has provided their information and the extent of the outstanding receivables. If you are willing, please provide a summary of the AR amount by company/facility (NO PHI) to so we can continue to track this project. VHCA will forward this information to DMAS so the agency is aware of the scope. This will also help DMAS gauge the success of the project after March 31. Any questions may also be addressed to Steve Ford.

Posted in CCC Plus, DMAS