Lynn Butler Ms. Lynn Butler was born in Rhode Island and was raised in Long Island. She received her bachelor’s degree in education from Georgian Court University in 1968. After graduating college, she earned a masters degree from the University of Virginia in 1972.

Her good fortune was the offer of a teaching position during an interview with Fairfax County Public Schools. After working as a sixth grade teacher for 20 years, Ms. Butler was promoted to assistant principal. She went on to serve in this role and as a summer school principal for 10 years. Ms. Butler loved getting to know the students and forming personal relationships with them. She always tried to challenge them academically and also enjoyed meeting special needs for some students. After retiring, she became a training specialist with government-related commissions. To this day, whenever Ms. Butler sees children, she always stops to chat and asks them what they are learning in school.

Ms. Butler has been a resident at Envoy of Alexandria for over a year now. She is an avid reader who always has a book in her hands. She gets through multiple titles a month. She also enjoys painting, listening to music, and going on her daily neighborhood walks.

Envoy of Alexandria

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