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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

For PDPM Success, Return to Daily Self-Assessments of Levels of Care

For PDPM Success, Return to Daily Self-Assessments of Levels of Care

Daniel Ciolek, AHCA Associate Vice President of Therapy Advocacy, wrote in the May issue of Provider Magazine that upcoming changes to Medicare reimbursement under the Patient Drive Payment Model (PDPM) should encourage providers to “go back to the future” of managing SNF resident level of care (LOC).

According to Ciolek, while the RUGs system encouraged providers to track “minutes, days, and number of therapy disciplines involved in the resident’s care, with less focus on discussing skilled nursing needs,” the switch to PDPM offers an opportunity to “blow the dust off the old daily Part A meetings playbook and self-assess whether they are adequately discussing the SNF LOC criteria like we did before RUGs were introduced in 1998.”

Read the full article: PDPM Update: SNF Level of Care Under PDPM—Back to the Future? (, May 2019)