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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

New Social Media Guidance from AHCA/NCAL

New Social Media Guidance from AHCA/NCAL

As social media usage has exploded over the last decade and its misuse has become an issue in the media and for policymakers, AHCA/NCAL has provided a social media guidance document for members, offering critical information to help you ensure that social media is used correctly at your center.  The guidance even includes a template social media policy. (Note: you will need to log-in to AHCA/NCAL to access the guidance.)

Today, there are a range of social media platforms that long term and post-acute care providers can use to work smarter and better communicate with their residents, families and the community. These tools offer new opportunities for care centers to improve resident care, education, and professional networking. Over the last several years, AHCA/NCAL members have effectively used social media to communicate center events, distribute health and well-being materials, celebrate center and staff accomplishments, highlight programs, and hire new staff. All of these activities result in better communication and outcomes for the entire community.

Unfortunately, social media platforms also can introduce potential risks to residents, employees and providers. For example, inappropriate use of social media platforms can result in breaches of resident privacy, violations of personal-professional boundaries, licensing and other legal issues, and damage to a care center’s professional reputation.

Check out the helpful advice and information in the social media guidance document.