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Virginia Health Care Association | Virginia Center for Assisted Living

Needed: Quality Examiners

Needed: Quality Examiners

A great way to learn more about the AHCA/NCAL National Quality Award program is to serve as an Examiner. Each year, AHCA/NCAL selects Senior and Master Examiners to review applications at the Silver and Gold levels, respectively. The deadline for Examiner applications is November 29, 2018.  

The benefits of serving as an examiner include:

  • Great networking in the long term care profession
  • Opportunities for professional development
  • Education in Baldrige criteria from content experts
  • Playing a role in positively impacting long term care performance nationally
  • Earning Continuing Education Units (CEUs)
  • Attending the annual AHCA/NCAL Quality Summit or AHCA/NCAL Convention at a discounted rate

Examiner Responsibilities and Time Commitment

The review process requires a significant time investment once the Examiner is selected. Applicants must secure support from the leadership of their organization before applying to become an Examiner. Examiners will be held accountable to performing the following tasks:

  • Complete a pre-training assignment, estimated to take 8-10 hours.
  • Attend the three-day in-person training session (takes place in mid-February).
  • Participate in weekly conference calls with assigned Examiner team during the review period.
  • Complete assigned review work on each application during the review period; on average Examiners report spending 40-60 hours on review work. This may be longer for new Examiners unfamiliar with the process.
  • Participate in the in-person review session: Master Examiners (end of May), Senior Examiner Team Leaders (mid June)

Learn more on the National Quality Award Examiners webpage and by reviewing the National Examiner Brochure. Recruitment is not open for Bronze Examiners.